Food Intolerances : New Awareness

Selene Johnson
4 min readJan 2, 2021

Article about Arkell Talbot, independent scientist and medical populariser

Finally, a new knowledge has been clarified by Arkell Talbot. This medical-scientific populariser especially deals with food intolerances, e.g. lactose and gluten intolerance, nickel allergy, other than IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Diseases) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in a totally independent manner, therefore without conflicts of interest and censorship. The author clearly explains the true causes behind such health issues and particularly illustrates innovative treatments that have nothing to do with the established therapies. The latter actually tend to exclude the responsible ingredients, not only provoking subsequent nutritional deficiencies but also harming those who suffer from these diseases.

Arkell Talbot, who has already helped several sick people to solve the above-cited illnesses in recent years, writes texts intended for medical researchers and above all for patients, since it deploys a comprehensible language without too many specific medical terms.

Reading the biography of the populariser it’s noticeable how the exact syndromes affected him during his pre-adolescence, yet he was capable to unveil the actual causes of these diseases, wholly recovering from such sensitizations and inflammations through the usage of the so-called “off-label effects”, i.e. exploiting effects of a certain medicine that are different from those already recognised and patented.

His multi-level approach particularly involves precision and integrated medicine, i.e. allopathic medicine combined with natural one, therefore current techniques that are truly appreciated by medical researchers worldwide, included numerous friends and colleagues of his. This method has allowed him to be the first and probably the only one to have been able to depict a faithful outline of causes and related aggravating factors determining the onset of these unpleasant and often severe food intolerances thanks to decades of studies focused on medical anthropology but above all on immunology, epigenetics, nutrigenomics and last, but not least on molecular mimicry.

Considering the small quantity of on-sale books dealing with the same topics, it’s possible to realize that they consist in meal plans and elimination, purifying diets, the so-called “DETOX” diets which enrich authors through an annual income of about £50 billion. According to Arkell Talbot and the eminent toxicologist of the Cleveland Medical Centre in Ohio Ryan Marino, these diets are nothing but harmful and unnatural since human body can purify itself autonomously, excluding previous damages to kidneys and/or to the liver. The two experts furthermore underline how these procedures cause tens of thousands of hospitalizations due to hyponatremia, i.e. excess of liquids and other abnormalities of the fundamental fluid balance, and to damages to purifying organs, especially to kidneys.

Arkell partially embraces the theory of one of his favourite professors of immunobiology Rusland Medzhitov, lecturer at Yale School of Medicine who, with his dear departed colleague Charles Janeway who even assisted in the creation of the field of innate immunity, demonstrated the theory of “toll-like receptors”.

Moreover, the researcher sheds light on inappropriate and deceptive terms such as the expression “gluten free”. Still few medical specialists are in fact aware of the actual inflammatory reactions which are caused by prolamins present even within cereals celiac patients are allowed to eat, such as rice, quinoa and maize, particularly involving monogastric living beings. This provokes cellular immune responses identical to those analysed when ingesting gluten in more sensitive subjects. This is the reason why an amount of the protein is often said to be contained in these three cereals, although prolamins differ from gliadin.

The medical-scientific populariser also indicates the difference between nickel as a biocompatible element and as a pollutant, highlighting such a trace element being a metalloestrogen. The latter mimics the action of these hormones binding itself to their receptors and this may be the reason why women are likely to be more affected by nickel allergy.

Arkell moreover discusses other topics, especially unknown ones to the majority of the medical-scientific community, such as the “Pork cat syndrome” which consists in a chronic allergy to pork meat affecting those who are allergic to cat hair, since these two animals share a specific quantity of the same albumin. Another interesting yet sad example is the possibility to develop a permanent allergy to specific foods after a mere insect bite which injects a particular molecule in our organisms.

Unfortunately, intolerances caused by allergens and haptens officially affect 1 out of 6 people, although it would be more correct to say they affect 1 out of 3 individuals if unaware subjects who currently suffer from symptoms lacking both a definite aetiology and an effective therapy are taken into account. This situation inevitably leads patients to consult numerous doctors and naturopaths, spending a lot of money without solving anything.



Selene Johnson

I love both reading and writing unique texts, especially those about medicine